
Cultural Concepts
The main definition of the logo:
  • Animal Nutrition Specialist (English acronym ANS) as the design element, combined with the expression of the company's core values of "love and gratitude" double heart diagram.
  • ANS is also short for Answer, which stands for "Satisfactory answer and result".
  • ANYOU stands for "I only care about you".
The logo color definition:
Green Color stands for safety, environmental protection, peace - bringing peaceful.
Red Color Stands for enthusiasm, service, dedication - bring blessings.

The Mission

Technology Anyou, Happiness China , Low-carbon Earth

  • Technology Anyou: Committed to improving the value of agriculture and animal husbandry industry with technology.
  • Happiness China: to help customers succeed, help consumers to achieve a better quality of life.
  • Low-carbon Earth: Provide low carbon products and services and devoted to the environmental protection and try to make circular agriculture come true.


To become a global leading brand of precision animal nutrition and an integrator of China's low-carbon agricultural and animal husbandry industry chain.

  • Animal precision nutrition: accurate calculation, accurate Disease Prevent and Control.
  • Global leading brand:
    Scale Target: Global Top 20 Feed Produce Company, Global Top 3 of Creep Feed Produce Company, China Top 10 Feed Produce Company.
    Governance goals: abide by the law, respect the system, lucent mechanism, service the society, environmentally friendly, and make staff of Anyou better.
    Brand goals: No. one of Creep Feed Products, Benchmark of Low-carbon in the feed industry.

Core values

Love and Gratitude

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