
Introduction of Anyou Group

       Anyou Group mainly focuses on feed research and development and production, and its products cover pig feed, aquatic feed, poultry feed and ruminant feed. Pig feed is our main product, including piglet series, Market pig series, Sows series and other products. Based on the main business, the company extends upstream and develops related products such as substitute, functional additives. Base on feed product matrix, Anyou provides customers with precision nutrition programs, feeding technology management, disease prevent and control technology, SMART Agricultural -IOT device and comprehensive services.

       Anyou Group has always insist “ Tech- First” and “Independent research and development”, Since established. Anyou Group set up Anyou Research Institute responsible for new products, new technologies and new processes research.

       Under the guidance of the research and development concept of "high efficiency, environmental protection and health", Anyou Research Institute focuses on improving animal health, improving feed conversion efficiency, and breeding efficiency, reducing soybean protein, low carbon -environmental protection, and has formed 10 series core technologies. Anyou also provide Well-professional technical service team for our customers, help them increase production efficiency with Anyou efficient products and technical services.

       After years of efforts, Anyou Group has won recognition and affirmation from all walks of life. In 2012, Anyou Group was recognized as a national high-tech enterprise. In 2015, Anyou Group won the title of Key Leading Enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Jiangsu Province. In 2016, Anyou Group was recognized as the National Enterprise Technology Center. In the same year, the central laboratory of Anyou Group was recognized by the National Laboratories (CNAS). In 2019, Anyou Group was named the leading enterprise of Jiangsu feed industry and the top 100 enterprises of national Agricultural product processing industry. In 2020, Anyou Group won the title of Top 30 Feed Enterprises in 2020. n the same year Anyou Group will be approved as "National Postdoctoral Research Station".

       Standing at a new historical point, Anyou family is all over the world, shoulding the mission of "Technology Anyou, Happiness China , Low-carbon Earth", and making unremitting efforts to realize the corporate vision of "global animal precision nutrition leading brand, China's low carbon agricultural and animal husbandry industry chain integrator"!

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